11. The operator of an addiction resource must adopt general by-laws respecting its operation and the operation of the board of directors including(1) the criteria for becoming a member of the board of directors;
(2) the number of seats on the board of directors;
(3) the procedure for electing and dismissing directors, and the term of appointments;
(4) the rules applicable where a declaration referred to in section 10 reveals a real or apparent conflict of interest;
(5) the procedures for convening and organizing the annual meeting;
(6) the number of meetings of the board of directors each year;
(7) the procedure for convening meetings, the decision-making process and the quorum necessary at meetings of the board of directors; and
(8) the content of the minutes of the meetings of the board of directors, which must describe the decisions made, and state that the decisions have been approved by the board of directors.